Using ultrasound to probe antiferromagnets

Apr 05, 2024 (Nanowerk News) RIKEN physicists have used ultrasonic waves to measure a magnetic material known as an antiferromagnet (Physical Review Letters, "Acoustically driven magnon-phonon coupling in a layered antiferromagnet"). This advance will make it much easier to probe its properties, boding well for the development of new devices...

Improving infectious disease testing with gold nanoparticles

Apr 05, 2024 (Nanowerk News) By harnessing the power of composite polymer particles adorned with gold nanoparticles, a group of researchers have delivered a more accurate means of testing for infectious diseases. Details of their research was published in the journal Langmuir ("Gold Nanoparticle-Decorated Polymer (GNDP) Particles for High-Optical-Density Immunoassay...

CHEOPS detects a ‘rainbow’ on an exoplanet

Apr 05, 2024 (Nanowerk News) The CHEOPS space telescope, whose scientific operations centre is based at the University of Geneva (UNIGE), is providing new information on the mysterious exoplanet WASP-76b. This ultra-hot giant is characterised by an asymmetry between the amount of light observed on its eastern terminator - the...

Scientists develop novel method to control the geometry of chiral gold nanoparticles using copper ions

Apr 05, 2024 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Noble metal nanoparticles like gold and silver have been extensively studied for their optical, electronic, and catalytic properties, which can be finely tuned by controlling their size, shape, and composition. However, creating nanoparticles with specific geometries and desired properties has remained a significant challenge, limiting...

Detecting objects without any physical interaction

Apr 05, 2024 (Nanowerk News) INL researchers have explored a fascinating quantum ability which lacks a classical explanation: the capacity to detect objects without traditional physical interaction. Rafael Wagner and Anita Camillini, INL PhD candidates, alongside the research group-leader Ernesto F. Galvão, have published a paper describing the revolutionary approach...

hexagonal building blocks are better

Apr 05, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Complex systems in nature, like their synthetic counterparts in technology, comprise a large number of small components that assemble of their own accord through molecular interactions. Gaining a better understanding of the principles and mechanisms of this self-assembly is important for the development of new...