Nanomedicine advancement shows potential for personalized point-of-care therapeutics

Feb 06, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Stefan Wilhelm, an associate professor in the Stephenson School of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oklahoma, and several students in his Biomedical Nano-Engineering Lab have recently published an article in the journal Nano Letters ("Toward the Scalable, Rapid, Reproducible, and Cost-Effective Synthesis of Personalized...

Building a DNA nanoparticle to be both carrier and medicine

Feb 06, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Scientists have been making nanoparticles out of DNA strands for two decades, manipulating the bonds that maintain DNA’s double-helical shape to sculpt self-assembling structures that could someday have jaw-dropping medical applications. Study of DNA nanoparticles, however, has focused mostly on their architecture, turning the genetic...

Which came first: Black holes or galaxies?

Feb 06, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Black holes not only existed at the dawn of time, they birthed new stars and supercharged galaxy formation, a new analysis of James Webb Space Telescope data suggests. The insights upend theories of how black holes shape the cosmos, challenging classical understanding that they formed...

Hall-effect uncovers hidden symmetry in spin-ice

Feb 06, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Physicists from the University of Augsburg succeeded to distinguish chiral orders with similar magnetization but opposite sense of rotation through electrical measurements at low temperatures. This is relevant for fundamental research on complex magnets and with respect to possible applications for magnetic data storage. The...