Graphical encoding of stiffness patterns in metamaterials enables reprogrammable and adaptive soft machines

Dec 07, 2023 (Nanowerk News) In the quest to develop robots and interactive machines that are safe, adaptable, and intelligent like organisms in nature, researchers have increasingly focused attention on soft and deformable systems constructed using elastic polymers and gels rather than hard material. These "soft machines" are constructed from...

Bioinspired flexible artificial retina marks major milestone toward sensory-enhancing wearables

Dec 07, 2023 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Attempts to engineer artificial retinas with the visual capabilities of the human eye have faced enduring challenges. Though promising in theory, replicated the elaborate structure and energy efficiency of natural vision has not proven straightforward in practice. Past efforts along these lines have fallen short...

Stellar winds regulate growth of galaxies

Dec 07, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Galactic winds enable the exchange of matter between galaxies and their surroundings. In this way, they limit the growth of galaxies, that is, their star formation rate. Although this had already been observed in the local universe, an international research team led by a CNRS...

Huge benefits of merging hydropower and desalination

Dec 07, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Cornell University engineers have refined a concept for desalinating ocean water for large, drought-stricken coastal populations, while cultivating green energy in the process. By pumping seawater to a mountaintop reservoir and then employing gravity to send the salty water down to a co-located hydropower plant...