New research explores durability of 2D hybrid materials

Jul 25, 2023 (Nanowerk News) New research has unveiled the fatigue resistance of 2D hybrid materials. These materials, known for their low cost and high performance, have long-held promise across semiconductor fields. However, their durability under cyclic loading conditions remained a mystery — until now. Led by Dr. Qing Tu,...

Towards artificial photosynthesis with engineering of protein crystals in bacteria

Jul 25, 2023 (Nanowerk News) In-cell engineering can be a powerful tool for synthesizing functional protein crystals with promising catalytic properties, show researchers at Tokyo Tech. Using genetically modified bacteria as an environmentally friendly synthesis platform, the researchers produced hybrid solid catalysts for artificial photosynthesis. These catalysts exhibit high activity,...

Lights could be the future of the internet and data transmission

Jul 25, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Fast data transmissions could be delivered in homes and offices through light-emitting diodes (LED) bulbs, complementing existing communication technologies and networks. The future’s new internet technologies are being rapidly refined by academics and LED-based communication links are expected to be extensively used in numerous emerging...

Masters of defects

Jul 25, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Bruno Schuler and his young team are embarking on an ambitious research project: He will selectively generate defects in atomically-thin semiconductor layers and attempt to measure and control their quantum properties with simultaneous picosecond temporal resolution and atomic precision. The resulting insights are expected to...